Ever feel like you don't know who you are yet?
Ever feel like you can't be your true self?
Ever taken life for granted and wish you never did?
How did you change it?
Who are you?
What has made you who you truly are?
I often ask myself these questions all the time and some of them I still have no idea... I don't think I have really figured out who I am yet... all I know is that I am a daughter of God!People often ask me for advice and help with trials they are going through and I give them advice but I wonder why I can't give the same advice to myself. I'm always look up to someone to give me the things I need to hear. After Sunday school today I really thought of why I am here and why I need to keep living righteously.
To finish my course I MUST: Trust god with & through everything, language, keep eyes heavenward, focus on my Savior, live the words of the prophets.
I can't wait to keep living life to the fullest and to keep finding new things to improve and work on. I love my Savior with all my heart!
I can't wait to keep discovering new friendships and talents. I hope we all can not be scared to share our talents. Reach out to those who need help discovering theirs and learn from it.
I have a friend who is helping me through so many things in life right now where I have days where I just can't keep doing it. I cant keep trying hard all day everyday but he always says don't give up! so every day that I am feeling the courage to give up and I know that I don't want to keep pushing myself his word keep coming into my mind, "Don't give up!". If you are doing something that you don't think you can achieve of be then I challenge you to tell yourself don't give up!! I think about the future of if I did give up and I think about where I would be if I had given up... I wouldn't be where I am today.
Be a friend to everyone. No matter if they are different then you, less athletic then you, skinnier or heavier than you, different skin color, different family situations or whatever it may be that makes you different don't be scared to be different! Different is amazing! It's good to be different. Being different means you don't blend in with the crowd you know that your special in some way. Keep trying to make new friends. When ever I hear at school how one girl can't be friends with another girl is because she's not rich like her, she doesnt have a boy friend, she doesnt have the same clothes, she doesnt have sex, she doesn't smoke. Well this goes out to every girl who gets hurt because their not one of those. Im very proud of you if you don't have sex and smoke!! that just means your not throwing your life away for something less. If you don't have the right kind of clothes that doesnt matter. Just keep smiling and have courage to be yourself and different. If your not rich like the other girl who cares. Money doesn't buy happiness. What buys happiness is being happy for what you have and not being selfish. These are the types of girs who I look up to very much. Those who can stick up for their standards even if they are being judges and accused. Keep staying strong. Keep having faith. Keep your eyes heavenword and think of in the end it will all be worth it. Find friend who will support you and stick up for what you believe. If you have fiends that judge you because your not like them then obviousy their not right for you.
I know a lot of people who are judged because they don't have sex, they don't do drugs. But to all of those of you who judge someone because they don't do that, maybe you should be looking at yourself and thinking if what your doing is right. Those who have courage to stick up for themselves they know where that will take them and they say no even though they are persecuted and hated. I'm sorry if this all sounds rude and stuff but I see this way to much with some of my friends and it hurts more than anything to see someone get persecuted because they stood up for their standards. It takes me back to when Joseph Smith was wanting to find the right church and when he did he got so much crap and to think of people still doing it I can't help but feel pain for those who are hated for their belief.
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