"The search for peace is one of the ultimate quests
of the human soul. We all have highs and lows,
but such times come and they usually always go.
Kind neighbors assist. Beautiful sunshine brings
encouragement. A good night’s sleep usually works
wonders. But there are times in all of our lives when
deep sorrow or suffering or fear or loneliness makes

bring. These are times of piercing spiritual hunger
when even the dearest friends cannot fully come
to our aid.
Perhaps you know people in the broad congregation
of this conference, or in your local ward or stake,
or in your own home—courageous people who are
carrying heavy burdens and feeling private pain, who
are walking through the dark valleys of this world’s
tribulation. Some may be desperately worried about
a husband or a wife or a child, worried about their
health or their happiness or their faithfulness in
keeping the commandments. Some are living with
physical pain, or emotional pain, or disabilities that
come with age. Some are troubled as to how to make
ends meet financially, and some ache with the private
loneliness of an empty house or an empty room or
simply empty arms.
These beloved people seek the Lord and His word
with particular urgency, often revealing their true
emotions only when the scriptures are opened or
when the hymns are sung or when the prayers are
offered. Sometimes only then do the rest of us realize
they feel near the end of their strength—they are
tired in brain and body and heart, they wonder if
they can get through another week or another day
or sometimes just another hour. They are desperate
for the Lord’s help, and they know that in such
times of extremity nothing else will do."
So with that in mind, Please reach out to those who think their alone and in spiritual pain. We know were never alone but some of us like me have to be told by a friend or a neighbor or simply from my Savior Jesus Christ. I didn't realize how much the Atonement meant to me till I was a senior in High School. Now no matter what mistake I make or how alone I feel, It doesn't matter what my family thinks, friends think, or my neighbors. I should only be trying to impress my Heavenly Father. Yes life is hard but through Jesus Christ I am capable of doing anything. I am never alone & neither are you.
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